Digital net

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It has been proposed that the ARC start a net with the community for the purpose of experimenting with various digital modes.

For now, this will be erratic, as club events permit, but the first attempt will be around 6pm this Friday, February 3.

WATCH THIS PAGE. We'll update this page shortly before 6pm (as soon as we figure out what we're going to do).

We are currently looking for suggestions as to what to try. Initial atempts to coordinate will be on the new club repeater (443.375 pl 103.5 -- can you hit it?) and perhaps intermittently on 147.120 (which will have to be done on the same antenna we want to do use for the vhf simplex frequency).

There is some interest within the club to play with SSTV. We can do this on a vertically polarized 2m ringo ranger at about 5 stories in the air; alternately would be our horizontally polarized HF windom.

Beyond that, looking for suggestions...hope I hear from someone this friday, I'll announce this in a couple of places. Feel free to add your comments below.

Schedule and details[edit]

When: ~6:30pm Friday, March 2
Mode: SSTV probably robot or scottie
Frequency: ? 14.230, 14.240 (or suggestions...)
Coordination: 443.375 repeater (if you can hit it), 147.120 repeater (maybe), or online

Previous attempts[edit]

Feb 3[edit]

Turns out our 2-meter antenna isn't connected! Oops!

We did some test transmissions on 2m with an HT on an inside antenna, and then switched to HF. The HF sstv frequency was quite busy, so we practiced receiving.

Feb 10[edit]

Too distracted by anticipation for hamcation! sorry! (I should have guessed that would happen.) We fiddled around on psk31 a bit.

April 29[edit]

In a previous meeting (see minutes) we got the SDR receiver working perfectly by adding a band pass filter. During the Florida QSO party, we played with the SDR reciver, and both received and transmitted several SDR images.

May 4[edit]

We experimented with installing gnu radio on several platforms and tested several sound cards (one broken) and recorded several 150k wide samples for later processing when we get gnu radio working. Maybe next friday we'll try transmitting SSTV on 14mhz.

Proposed Modes[edit]

Several club members already do APRS on a regular basis [1] and will probably be using it actively at Hamcation.
Packet radio
We have several actual packet radio modems, once we get the spare 2m antenna fed, it might be possible to set one up and leave it running for a few days.
We do a lot of hf psk31 during contests, but haven't done much outside of that, so psk31 is certainly a likely possibility.
practice for eventual EME when we have the equipment for it
recent versions have added a large number of new modes, not all of which are legal on HF (vhf applicable?)