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Meeting 5:30pm THURSDAY in ENGR-I 456A and

5:00PM FRIDAY in ENGR-II 105

Meetings 5:30pm Thursday in ENGR-I 456A, Project Meetings 5:00pm Friday in ENGR-II 105

Try out Amateur Radio! Get a license, talk around the world! Build antennas and radios from scratch. Learn practical electronics. Come to our meetings, we can help with these things.

We try to take minutes in meetings but have been inconsistent lately (sorry!). See minutes from all years).

Contact info:

Club Facebook Group.

Official club e-mail address:

and more:

Mailing list.

"It's not the size of the antenna, but the SWR that counts."

"Amateur" has the connotation of unprofessional, sloppy, substandard, but that's wrong. Root word is 'amo' which is to love. We do it because we love it, and don't need to be paid to do it. If you're doing amateur radio and not having fun, you are doing it wrong.


To promote Amateur Radio, and its use around UCF by students and faculty.

To get every club member licensed (preferably upgraded to extra!)

Club meetings[edit]

  • Shack meetings are in Engr I room 456A every week.
    • Every Thursday at 5:30PM (first thursday of the month conflicts with LMARS)
  • Project meetings are in Engr II room 105 every week.
    • Every Friday at 5:00PM
  • No formal nets are currently scheduled (TBD), but if they were they would be on the repeater. If you are unlicensed, you can still participate in the net. Just find a club member.

past minutes and future meetings[edit]

Annual club events[edit]

These are events the club is regularly involved in:

[NOTE: We have been inactive in tailgating for some time. Hopefully this changes?]

Club ToDo List[edit]

moved to ARC todo

Club projects and activities[edit]

See also Category:ARC projects

Projects in progress[edit]

(or, at least, these should be active)

Possible future meeting activities[edit]

Possible project sources[edit]

You may also want to select from possible future projects or the antenna links page.

Topic Index[edit]

Old items of interest[edit]


Officers & Advisors[edit]

Ivan Huang, President KO4WSS
Travis Rodriguez, Treasurer KQ4VQC
Steven Dick, Club Faculty Advisor KG4YDW

Members & Alumni[edit]

Currently Active Members (Student & Alumni)
Steven Dick KG4YDW
Ivan Huang KO4WSS
Travis Rodriguez KQ4VQC
Skyler Prothro KQ4WVJ
Others not listed here by choice
UCFARC Alumni Members
Nathan Bodnar KJ4BWR
Ramsay Newman KM4INO
Anson Shurr WU2F (formerly KJ4MJI)
Jamie Schnaitter KJ4TBT
Doug Maukonen k4ddm (formerly kf4ze, ka4nnx)
Christopher E. Maukonen wa4cm (SK)
Logan Camacho KM4EVU
Karson Kimbrel KA4SON (formerly KM4GAV)
Jason Rodriguez KN4DDS
Ricardo Angeli KM4FEU
Nick Voce KK4MMR
Jeffrey C Lambert k1vzx (was ki4vtn)
Zlatko A Masic KJ4JEA
John Szialgyi KI4ORG
José A. Figueroa KJ4FBZ
Sean Pope KK4MMP
Brenton Zillins kj4bwu
Robert Mertens kj4fca
David Dowdle kj4hte
Jeremy Mayeres K4JSM
Eric Gershman ki4iup
Keith Wall AK4JQ (was KI4HXM)
Scott Harden AJ4VD (was KJ4LDF)
Craig A. Jacobson ka0kqc
Dr. Edwin K. Evenson ki4agl
Mark Lindeman ki4ujg
Tim Young ki4tdb
Matthew A. Rhodes ki4evh
Jared M. Davies kg4gac
Mike F. Haendel kg4rqh
Karl "Skip" Brooks wb4yed (SK)
Steve Jax n4sjj
Jami W. Ward kg4zke
Tannen S. VanZwieten ki4evi
Matt Kassawara KG0W (was KG4FEQ)
Jason M. Varner kg4gae
W. Schuyler Frost kg4haq
Charles Harpole k4vud
Steven F. Schindler na4sa
Samuel M. Richie ka4kzf
Micheal Potaczala kc4nus
Steven Freund kd4ple
Robert Broderick WE4B we4b
Benny D. Miller Jr. w4qed
Joe Reilly n4ziq
Michael M. Clark, Jr. ki4olu
Brian J Parkhurst km4fes
Stephen W Szabo wb4omm
Dr. Christian S. Bauer Jr SK ki4iuw
If you were forgotten in either section above, feel free to add yourself.

Passed your exam and waiting for your call sign? check the FCC advanced search.



Tutorials and References[edit]

Ham Call Databases[edit]

  • HamDB Freely accessible, fast call-sign database for 5 countries. Free API functionality.
  • QRZ
  • FCC -- Universal Licensing System (ULS) searches