Meeting 5:30pm THURSDAY in ENGR-I 456A and
5:00PM FRIDAY in ENGR-II 105
Meetings 5:30pm Thursday in ENGR-I 456A, Project Meetings 5:00pm Friday in ENGR-II 105
Try out Amateur Radio! Get a license, talk around the world! Build antennas and radios from scratch. Learn practical electronics. Come to our meetings, we can help with these things.
We try to take minutes in meetings but have been inconsistent lately (sorry!). See minutes from all years).
Official club e-mail address:
and more:
"It's not the size of the antenna, but the SWR that counts."
"Amateur" has the connotation of unprofessional, sloppy, substandard, but that's wrong. Root word is 'amo' which is to love. We do it because we love it, and don't need to be paid to do it. If you're doing amateur radio and not having fun, you are doing it wrong.
To promote Amateur Radio, and its use around UCF by students and faculty.
To get every club member licensed (preferably upgraded to extra!)
Club meetings[edit]
- Shack meetings are in Engr I room 456A every week.
- Every Thursday at 5:30PM (first thursday of the month conflicts with LMARS)
- Project meetings are in Engr II room 105 every week.
- Every Friday at 5:00PM
- No formal nets are currently scheduled (TBD), but if they were they would be on the repeater. If you are unlicensed, you can still participate in the net. Just find a club member.
past minutes and future meetings[edit]
- past minutes and future agendas
- Recent minutes updates
- Ideas for a live demo
- ARC active projects
Annual club events[edit]
These are events the club is regularly involved in:
[NOTE: We have been inactive in tailgating for some time. Hopefully this changes?]
- UCF semi-annual tailgate
- UCF spring Tailgate: second week of January: January 13, 2018
- UCF summer tailgate: second week of June: June 09, 2018
- ARRL database: Southern Florida hamfests
- ARRL database: Northern Florida hamfests
- Field day
- Orlando Hamcation: The 2nd Largest Hamfest / convention in the USA.
- Dayton Hamvention: The largest hamfest in the USA.
Club ToDo List[edit]
moved to ARC todo
Club projects and activities[edit]
See also Category:ARC projects
Projects in progress[edit]
(or, at least, these should be active)
- SDR distributed direction finding
- satellite ground station controller and SDR setup
- using LimeSDR software defined radio to communicate with cubesats and others
- satellite radio transceiver
- ADSB receiver and display
- SDR remote setup and remote display (hardware partially received)
- antennas for each sdr
- remote access software for SDRs (install, integrate)
- base station and software (for lime)
- remote display software (for atrium)
- ARC project 1 demo board
- network analyzer
- multi-band strip line SWR meter with phase detection for 35mhz - 3ghz
- moxon magazine article
- repeater controller progress
- pcb layout with sensors
- software
Possible future meeting activities[edit]
- licensing exam study
- soldering practice -- PL259 ends on coax
- field trip to UCF radio station
- field trip to WMFE (see also WABC, NJ and 700-WLW])
- build copper pipe moxons and j-poles
- contests
Possible project sources[edit]
You may also want to select from possible future projects or the antenna links page.
- ARC Semester ToDo Items
- Repeater modifications (IRLP, antenna, fix 70cm)
- Wifi Antenna Building, Fox Hunt, Long Distance Link
- Build Direction Finding Equipment
- QST Homework
- Folding J-Pole Workshop
- Mini Field Day
- Amsat
- QSL card database display (IBM laptop in shack needs final modification)
- ATX Power Supply Mod
- build a Class D amplifier
- microwave stuff (900mhz, 1.2Ghz, 2.4Ghz)
- Satellite Ground Station Stuff (SDR, rotator control software, other software, hardware)
Topic Index[edit]
- Software Defined Radio
- Fox hunt
- Antenna links
- Amateur Radio Emergency Jumpkit
- ARC live demo
- Senior Design PCB Milling Machine & Certification
Old items of interest[edit]
- field day
- NASA info
- Past minutes
- Seminole county ARES/RACES training
- Code practice cdroms: wa4cm has made a few code practice cdroms, available to any members who would like to borrow them.
- Scholarships
Officers & Advisors[edit]
Officers | |
Ivan Huang, President | KO4WSS |
Travis Rodriguez, Treasurer | KQ4VQC |
Steven Dick, Club Faculty Advisor | KG4YDW |
Members & Alumni[edit]
Currently Active Members (Student & Alumni) | ||
Steven Dick | KG4YDW | |
Ivan Huang | KO4WSS | |
Travis Rodriguez | KQ4VQC | |
Skyler Prothro | KQ4WVJ | |
Others not listed here by choice | ||
UCFARC Alumni Members | ||
Nathan Bodnar | KJ4BWR | |
Ramsay Newman | KM4INO | |
Anson Shurr | WU2F (formerly KJ4MJI) | |
Jamie Schnaitter | KJ4TBT | |
Doug Maukonen | k4ddm (formerly kf4ze, ka4nnx) | |
Christopher E. Maukonen | wa4cm (SK) | |
Logan Camacho | KM4EVU | |
Karson Kimbrel | KA4SON (formerly KM4GAV) | |
Jason Rodriguez | KN4DDS | |
Ricardo Angeli | KM4FEU | |
Nick Voce | KK4MMR | |
Jeffrey C Lambert | k1vzx (was ki4vtn) | |
Zlatko A Masic | KJ4JEA | |
John Szialgyi | KI4ORG | |
José A. Figueroa | KJ4FBZ | |
Sean Pope | KK4MMP | |
Brenton Zillins | kj4bwu | |
Robert Mertens | kj4fca | |
David Dowdle | kj4hte | |
Jeremy Mayeres | K4JSM | |
Eric Gershman | ki4iup | |
Keith Wall | AK4JQ (was KI4HXM) | |
Scott Harden | AJ4VD (was KJ4LDF) | |
Craig A. Jacobson | ka0kqc | |
Dr. Edwin K. Evenson | ki4agl | |
Mark Lindeman | ki4ujg | |
Tim Young | ki4tdb | |
Matthew A. Rhodes | ki4evh | |
Jared M. Davies | kg4gac | |
Mike F. Haendel | kg4rqh | |
Karl "Skip" Brooks | wb4yed (SK) | |
Steve Jax | n4sjj | |
Jami W. Ward | kg4zke | |
Tannen S. VanZwieten | ki4evi | |
Matt Kassawara | KG0W (was KG4FEQ) | |
Jason M. Varner | kg4gae | |
W. Schuyler Frost | kg4haq | |
Charles Harpole | k4vud | |
Steven F. Schindler | na4sa | |
Samuel M. Richie | ka4kzf | |
Micheal Potaczala | kc4nus | |
Steven Freund | kd4ple | |
Robert Broderick WE4B | we4b | |
Benny D. Miller Jr. | w4qed | |
Joe Reilly | n4ziq | |
Michael M. Clark, Jr. | ki4olu | |
Brian J Parkhurst | km4fes | |
Stephen W Szabo | wb4omm | |
Dr. Christian S. Bauer Jr | SK ki4iuw | |
If you were forgotten in either section above, feel free to add yourself. |
Passed your exam and waiting for your call sign? check the FCC advanced search.
- /r/amateurradio A subreddit devoted to amateur radio. Good spirited, generally younger group of hams.
- /r/RTLSDR A subreddit which discusses the popular, inexpensive, RTL-SDR receiver dongle and other software defined transceivers.
- ARRL Amateur Radio Collegiate Initiative FB Page. Connect, discuss, and more, with other hams just like you.
- Central Florida Geeks lots of Linux/Ham links, etc.
- Practice Tests and Flash Cards. (see also Ham exam)
- ADSB Project
- Julia Programming Language Information Resources
Tutorials and References[edit]
- Blog A useful web site which regularly posts news, tutorials, applications, and more for the ubiquitous RTL-SDR receiver dongle, and other software defined transceivers.
- PL259 soldering tutorial
- Amphenol assembly instructions
- resources and information on Mobile phone radiation and Emf Protection
- High Voltage Experimenter's Handbook
- RF & Microwave White Papers
- Very much a 'Web 1.0' web site, but excellent info.
- Amateur radio - ArchWiki Page on the Arch Linux wiki with information about various linux software for ham radio.